Volunteer At Children’s Lyme Disease Network


    Volunteer at Children’s Lyme Disease Network. Concerned about Children with Lyme disease, but not sure how to make a difference? Whether you are a seasoned activist or you’re just starting and want to learn how you can help, we have volunteer opportunities for you.

    CLDN volunteers are dedicated and passionate about Lyme disease education, training and action. They work closely with CLDN on our highest priority campaigns.

    Whether it’s online community support, gathering donations, securing sponsorships, or helping out with marketing, CLDN has a position where you can help.

    Join our team and become a Leader in Children’s Lyme disease education and awareness.

    Just fill out your contact information and we’ll be in touch soon. Thanks and we will get in touch through an email or call!

    • Your Contact Information

    • What are you interested in?

    • Please tell us a bit about your skills and how you would like to help children with Lyme disease.

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